Ribeye of beef dry aged for twenty weeks, sour onions, turnip thinnings and green juice
Marrow and heart with grated turnip and turnip leaves that have never seen the light of day, grilled bread and lovage salt
(髄と心臓 下ろした蕪と日の光を浴びたことのないその葉達 トーストしたパンとラベージ風味の塩)
Capercaillie and coniferous forest
Wild trout roe in a warm crust of dried pig's blood
Scallop “I skalet ur elden” cooked over burning juniper branches
(“I skalet ur elden”燃える松の枝の上で調理した帆立)
Steamed Arctic char, pickled, salted, dried and pasteurized mushrooms, crab apples, fermented cucumbers and dried marigold petals from last summer
(スチームした北極岩魚 酢漬け、塩漬け、低温調理の3種の茸、野生リンゴ、発酵させた胡瓜と昨年の夏に乾燥させたマリーゴールドの花弁)
Broth of autumn leaves
Grilled pine mushrooms, vinegar matured in the burn-out trunk of a spruce tree
Crispy lichens seasoned with dried egg yolks and very lightly cold-smoked fish, lightly soured garlic cream
(海藻のチップス 乾燥させた卵黄の風味と僅かに燻製した鱒の香り ニンニクの香るクリームと)
A little lump of very fresh cheese, one lavender petal from last summer
Grated red beets seasoned with raspberry vinegar, raspberry ice and jelly, yogurt
Sorbet of milk like it was in the old days, whisked duck eggs and raspberry jam from last autumn